ALIAS: Show notification with link TO google keep shopping LIST / app (IF applicable) / loyalty card barcode (IF applicable) when you entering a store description: "(define zones first in Settings -> Areas, labels and zones -> Zones)" triggers: - entity_id: person.your_person_entity_here zone: zone.asda_farnborough event: enter id: asda-g trigger: zone - entity_id: person.your_person_entity_here zone: zone.lidl_aldershot event: enter id: lidl-g trigger: zone - entity_id: person.your_person_entity_here zone: zone.lidl_farham event: enter id: lidl-g trigger: zone - entity_id: person.your_person_entity_here zone: zone.lidl_farborough event: enter id: lidl-g trigger: zone - entity_id: person.your_person_entity_here zone: zone.morrison_s event: enter id: morrisons-g trigger: zone - entity_id: person.your_person_entity_here zone: zone.sainsbury_s_aldershot event: enter id: sby-g trigger: zone - entity_id: person.your_person_entity_here zone: zone.sainsbury_s_farnham event: enter id: sbyf-g trigger: zone - entity_id: person.your_person_entity_here zone: zone.tesco_aldershot event: enter id: tesco-g trigger: zone - entity_id: person.your_person_entity_here zone: zone.ikea_reading event: enter id: ikea-g trigger: zone - entity_id: person.your_person_entity_here zone: zone.polski_sklep_aldershot event: enter id: pl trigger: zone conditions: [] actions: - choose: - conditions: - condition: trigger id: - tesco-g sequence: - DATA: message: Welcome at Tesco! DATA: image: >- actions: - action: URI title: LIST uri: >- - action: URI title: App uri: app:// - action: URI title: Barcode uri: >- action: notify.mobile_app_your_phone_entity_here - conditions: - condition: trigger id: - morrisons-g sequence: - DATA: message: Welcome at Morrison's! DATA: image: >- actions: - action: URI title: LIST uri: >- - action: URI title: App uri: app:// - action: URI title: Barcode uri: >- action: notify.mobile_app_your_phone_entity_here - conditions: - condition: trigger id: - ikea-g sequence: - DATA: message: Welcome at Ikea! DATA: actions: - action: URI title: LIST uri: >- - action: URI title: App uri: app:// - action: URI title: Barcode uri: >- action: notify.mobile_app_your_phone_entity_here - conditions: - condition: trigger id: - lidl-g sequence: - DATA: message: Welcome at Lidl! DATA: actions: - action: URI title: LIST uri: >- - action: URI title: App uri: app:// - action: URI title: Barcode uri: >- action: notify.mobile_app_your_phone_entity_here - conditions: - condition: trigger id: - sby-g - sbyf-g sequence: - DATA: message: Welcome at Sainsbury's! Here is your card DATA: image: >- actions: - action: URI title: LIST uri: >- - action: URI title: App uri: app:// - action: URI title: Barcode uri: >- action: notify.mobile_app_your_phone_entity_here - conditions: - condition: trigger id: - asda-g sequence: - DATA: message: Welcome at ASDA! Here IS your card DATA: image: >- actions: - action: URI title: LIST uri: >- - action: URI title: App uri: app:// - action: URI title: Barcode uri: >- action: notify.mobile_app_your_phone_entity_here - conditions: - condition: trigger id: - pl sequence: - DATA: message: Welcome at Polish shop! (no app OR barcode here) DATA: actions: - action: URI title: LIST uri: >- action: notify.mobile_app_your_phone_entity_here mode: SINGLE