Kashub's Code Barn - "Generating QR code from current site location"

podświetlone jako freebasic (dodał(a) kashub @ 2011-08-17 08:48:20)

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Losowe wpisy:
        // use current location as data
        var chl = new String(document.location);       
        pos = chl.indexOf('#',0);
        if (pos >= 0) {
            chl = chl.substr(0,pos);
             chl  = escape(chl); // escaped data
        var chs  = '150x150'; // Size: The largest possible area for all charts except maps is 300,000 pixels. As the maximum height or width is 1000 pixels, examples of maximum sizes are 1000x300, 300x1000, 600x500, 500x600, 800x375, and 375x800.
        var choe = 'UTF-8'; // Charset: Shift_JIS, UTF-8, or ISO-8859-1
        var chld = 'L'; // L allows 7% of a QR code to be restored, M allows 15%, Q allows 25%, H allows 30%
        var margin = 4; // margin in rows/columns
        document.write(unescape('%3Cimg src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs='+chs+'&cht=qr&chl='+chl+'&choe='+choe+'&chld='+chld+'|'+margin+'" alt="QR Code" /%3E'));
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